Recent content by boazthomas

  1. Win a Limited Edition STIGA Emerald Blade!

    Its 16 years between the two contracts. Liu Guoliang signed the contract in 1993 and Xu Xin signed the contract in 2009 which makes the difference as 16. . Cheers!!!
  2. To know!!!

    The current champion from Europe?
  3. Difference between white and yellow balls?

    What is the difference between the white and yellow TT balls? Which is best to practice and standards?
  4. Elbow pain when playing

    How do I get rid of the pain in my elbow after an hour of playing?
  5. Enquiry

    How to improve the backhand smashes?
  6. Best rated rubber for defenders?

    What is the best rated rubber for defenders? Please share with me the best rubbers for defensive style of play.