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  1. DHS H8-80 vs H3-50 vs Nittaku H3PTO

    Can anyone please tell me which one of these rubbers is: - faster (on slow shots and fast shots) - spinnier (on both slow and fast shots) - easier to use - more playable away from the table - has a higher arc (All unboosted) I also wouldn't mind a comparison between anyone of these and any...
  2. DHS H8-80 vs H3-50 vs Nittaku H3PTO

    Can anyone please tell me which one of this is: - faster (on slow shots and fast shots) - spinnier (on both slow and fast shots) - easier to use - more playable away from the table - has a higher arc (All unboosted)
  3. Bluefire vs Fastarc vs Tenergy

    Tenergy 05, Tenergy 64 FX, Bluefire M1, Bluefire M2, Fastarc G-1, Fastarc C-1. Hi I would like you guys to rank these rubbers using this format: -speed: x<y<z -spin: x<y<z -control: x<y<z -throw angle (high to low): x<y<z -physically demanding (least to most): x<y<z -ease to use (easy to hard)...
  4. Need help choosing my rubbers

    Hi, I need a review of these rubbers: Yasaka Rakza 7 - Yasaka Rakza Z - Donic Bluegrip C2 - Donic Bluegrip S1 - Butterfly Rozena - DHS Hurricane 8-80 - Nittaku Hurricane pro 3 Turbo orange - Tibhar Evolution FX-D - Tibhar Hybrid K3 - Nittaku Fastarc G-1 And if possible, I would like you guys to...
  5. Need help choosing a backhand rubber

    For my backhand I need a rubber that: - is very grippy/slightly tacky - has a medium throw angle - a little bit slower than the Bluefire M2 - same spin/spinnier than the M2 - good for blocking - medium / medium soft hardness - good but not necessarily great control - bouncy but not too much -...
  6. A question about boosting

    So, I heard that we can break in a sponge either by using boosters or by playing with the rubber long enough... If I use a booster that lasts for let's say 4 weeks, would the rubber, after 4 weeks of use need booster again, or are 4 weeks enough to break in it?
  7. Rubber recommendations

    I want a rubber that: - is sticky/tacky - has a medium-high throw angle - doesn't require good physical condition - is easy to use - fast but not that fast (between Donic bluefire M1 and M2) - can produce good spin - around 47.5° - 49° ESN hardness - has good control (not necessarily great) -...
  8. Hurricane pro 3 Turbo

    I have a few questions about the Hurricane pro 3 Turbo (H3T): 1- What are the differences between the H3T orange and H3T blue? 2- How would their throw angle be described as? 3- How fast are they compared to the Donic Bluefire M1? 4- How durable are they? 5- How easy to use are they? (If...
  9. Forehand rubber recommendations

    Hi! I am currently using a Bluefire M1 on my fh. I want a slightly slower and spinnier rubber. I was thinking about the Donic Bluegrip C2 and the Tibhar Hybrid K3, but I heard they are very difficult to use. I was also thinking about the Tibhar Genius... So if you could please either compare the...
  10. Donic Bluegrip C2 va Bluefire M1

    Please can anyone compare the two rubbers mentioned above? Thank you
  11. Forehand rubber

    Hi can someone please compare to me the three rubbers below: Tenergy 05 Hexer Powergrip Bluefire M1
  12. Donic Bluegrip S2

    I am looking forward to put a Bluegrip S2 on my backhand, but I like to punch with it... Can I punch well with the S2? If not, what are some other rubbers that I
  13. Donic Bluefire M1 vs Andro Hexer Powergrip

    Can anyone please compae these two rubbers
  14. Tacky rubbers recommendations

    Hi, I am looking for a tacky rubber that doesn't need boosting and has a medium high throw angle. Is there anything like that in the market?
  15. Donic Baracuda vs Bluefire JP02

    I was thinking about changing my bh rubber. I currently use Bluefire M2 but I think it's a little too fast. So can someone please compare Donic Baracuda and Jp02. I play from mid distance but I like to cut close to the table. I also like blocking.
  16. Forehand rubber recommendations

    Hi, I am currently playing with the M1 on my forehand on a Donic Waldner Senso Ultra Carbon blade. I normally loop on my forehand. I just wanted to know, does the Tenergy 64 loop better than the M1?
  17. Tenergy 05 vs Tenergy 80

    Can someone give me a comparison between Tenergy 80 and Tenergy 05. Difference in speed, spin, throw angle...
  18. Rubber Suggestions

    My current setup: Blade: Donic Waldner Senso Ultra Carbon Forehand Rubber: Donic Bluefire M1 Backhand Rubber: Donic Bluefire M2 So I've recently switched to this setup and I'm still not quite used to it. The blade is new and so is the M2 but I used to play with the M1 on a Donic Ovtcharov...
  19. how durable are chinese rubbers?

    Hi, I keep asking about how durable chinese rubbers are without maintenance. Some people tell me they last years and some tell me they last a couple of days. Just in case it changes between a rubber and another, I want to know how durable the friendship 729 battle II is.
  20. Chinese Rubbers

    Hi, I wanted to know something about chinese rubbers. How long do they keep their grip (not stickiness) with neither protection sheets nor cleaning?