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  1. How to play against high topspin loops?

    Just smash it... Thats all
  2. Andro Nuzn 50 and 55

    The prices goes so high last years, thanks butterfly. Rubbers for car are in better price Range then this cheap sheet(SHI*) of rubber. Hate them all. I stay with the price range max to 40 euro.
  3. Koto vs Limba surface for inner fibre blade?

    I prefer limba for forehand and koto or something else(there are lighter woods) for backhand..... Harder rubber on forehand for long strokes, which needs more time to direct them when looping, but backhand i have more compact strokes, so i need harder wood for softer sponges so i can have also...
  4. Xu Xin: This was the first time I analyzed Lebrun’s penhold on the spot. He will feel increasingly uncomfortable the more he plays against the CNT

    Auuuu, i newer though they analyze opponents that deep. Thanks for the video and translation. Love Xu Xin and hope for more videos like this. Thanks once more
  5. TAKING ON TABLE TENNIS LEGENDS! | TTD Team vs Butterfly Legends

    That was really good video. Lots of fun and the play was really amazing. Thanks...
  6. DHS Gold Arc 8 vs. Fastarc G1 vs. Rakza 7?

    I dont like the g1 at all, g8 is ok rakza is so easy. Rakza 7 for sure.
  7. MS homemade blades

    Hello and welcome, wish you fun and success. All comes with time. Best for the design is laser engraver, or simpke stamp.... There are many ways.... Most for the handle.
  8. Hurricane 3 vs Hurricane 8 for BH

    Let me hit you with my h9... You miss it? wait, what 😂
  9. Hurricane 3 vs Hurricane 8 for BH

    Skyline 3-60,the best ... But sensitive to humidity... H3 37 the worst... H8 didnt try the softest version (i already applied one on the blade, but newer used it) but solid, h9 green... Hmmmmm not sure, but purple is the best. 37 hardnes is all i was looking for.
  10. Xuperman Powerplay-x: A Rubber by Xu Xin

    I bosted each with one layer and feels perfect... First time im flicking with forehand side withouth any issues , love it.
  11. DRY BOOSTING. Let the revolution begin.

    Stop spreading Russian nonsense.... F Putin
  12. Xuperman Powerplay-x: A Rubber by Xu Xin

    According the reviews it looks like the same rubber.... But rebranded and with different sponge.... Newer mind i like it a lot.
  13. What about this Long Pips combination?

    Sorry there are no nice words for long pips player.
  14. Using a Blade designed for table tennis - Why isn't everyone making the switch!?

    Please if you ever play table tennis, then custom handles are the most common part of the design, but for the sake of human understanding, the answer is weight, center of balance and movement.
  15. Skyline TG2 Alternatives

    Yes it has a little bit higher throw otherwise is the best replacement for tg2. Trust me i have been looking for a long time and i thing this one playes even better. And at the end it was developed by xuperman it self. And yes it has this feeling your mention .
  16. Skyline TG2 Alternatives

    Xuperman is also les tacky but definitely gripy... It looks like it has h8 top and works perfect grabbing the ball, and it feels like tg2 provincial for really god price. I already play with it on two blades an trust me this is it... Even better then tg2 on flat hits or blocking
  17. Need help with DHS Hurricane 3

    They sre changing the top rubber to something like tacky but not sticky.. I hate latest h3 provincial just rubish i throw it away after two games... Vouldnt pick up heavy backspin at all.
  18. I Challenged The STRONGEST Ping Pong Hustler in New York!

    Like every older people here in Slovakia. You have to focus for the first hit from oponent. Generally play is flat fast serve then empty return (if they cut it somehow) and then spin and this around .... But you have stay focus.. Flat hits are the strongest weapon. Still i always lose, to much...
  19. My perfect Bh rubber - Dignics 80, Victas V22DE, Nittaku Hammond Z2

    Butterfly D80 is solid rubber, but cornilleau target gt 48 is cheaper and better..