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  1. how is this bat?

    I'm a developing youth player with an offensive style and have been playing once a week for over a year with a palio ka ( 7mm thick, stiff blade) with cj800 rubbers. I want to replace this bat so would this be a good bat for me...
  2. butterfly flextra

    Is butterfly flextra decent for a begginer player trying to learn the basics and how to loop properly? does it have decent spin? I have a allround style and like to move the ball around teh table with blocks and then smash it when it goes high. im a 14 year old
  3. Begginner rubber and should I change my blade?

    Hi, this is my first post after being recommended this forum by my friend. I have been playing table tennis for 1.5 years casually for about two hours a week (one with a coach) and recently I have joined a club and im now playing for about 6 hours a week and I had my first tournament last week...