Coton Flavien (France)

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Feb 2019

Coton Flavien (French: Adrien Flavien Coton, born April 7, 2008 in Masny, France) is a French athlete, player of the French national table tennis team among cadets. Winner (2022, singles) and three-time bronze medalist at the Youth World Championships in the U15 category (cadets). Four-time winner and silver medalist of the European Youth Championships in the U15 category (cadets). Winner of Europe Youth Top-10 in 2022 in Tours, France among cadets. French champion in the cadet category in 2021 and vice-champion in 2022.

Biography and achievements of the new world champion-2022 among cadets.
says MIA
says MIA
Well-Known Member
Nov 2016
I reffed him at a round of the French national championships qualifier before COVID and he was already showing great potential and attitude, I didn't even realize how young he was back then, I thought he was 2-3 years older lol.

Does anybody know what blade and rubbers he's using now?
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