Top 10 Best Backhand Rubbers of All Time

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Well-Known Member
Apr 2023
I don't need to wait to wear down those rubbers to buy/test another, i can just buy another while i am still using something, I will try Nittaku C-1 as you mentioned here because i am also using G-1 on FH and i like it, but my favorite rubber for forehand now no doubt is Hammond Z2, it is just a rubber that obey me for anything i ask it to do, it might not be the best in my history or in the world, but from the first time it liked my playing style more than Tenergy 05 or Fastarc G-1, so good i found FH rubber and a blade, and for BH i also like two and no harm trying 1-2 more, so i will listen to you and try maybe C-1 or Vega Asia for example.

I am shopping now for a FH rubber cheap, because Hammond Z2 isn't cheap, and also i have it new in Max thickness which i never like any rubbers at Max thickness unless it is Max 2.0 maybe, more than 2.0 and it is big X and out of my list, i didn't find anyone to buy that rubber new from me or even to swap with something else, i know a player has G-1 rubbers but he always selling products more than internet, so instead he swap with me and pay me the difference he just might take it from me without any extra paying because his is expensive one, i can tell him mine is more expensive than his, but the business mind in his head will reject my offer for sure, so i keep shopping, i came across Xiom rubbers for FH, but i am not trying to risk with them more as i didn't like their rubber in the past Xiom Sigma II but like Vega Europe, so maybe new FH rubber could be a disappointment, G-1 is nice and good price but less favorite to me than Hammond Z2, i once tried someone DNA Platinum M and it is kind of Hammond Z2 and G-1, let's say it has like G-1 top sheet and Z2 sponge and performance but a bit less, faster, so i am not sure if this can be a choice, i don't like most Stiga rubbers such as Calibra models, but i might give DNA a try if i can't find something else, and i don't want testing Donic rubbers as well or Yasaka again or Andro, i try to pick very carefully and hoping it is the right correct pick from beginning.
My forehand has always been Hurricane 3 neo 39 degree. I am going to start trying 40 degree but I am not in a hurry. I have cheated on it by trying Hybrid such as K1 European version, K2, my friend's Dragon Grip, Big Dipper, etc. But I keep on going back to Hurricane. Today I played with Tenergy 05 on the forehand side. Blocking is fast. However my looping was terrible. I mean it is fast and great but less control and less spin than hurricane.

For your forehand I would recommend either Xiom Vega Pro or Xiom Vega X. Xiom Vega Pro is a poor man's version of Tenergy 05. They both make this distinct Tenergy 05 clicky sound (don't ask me how Xiom was able to pull that off) but Xiom Vega Pro is slower than Tenergy 05 which is exactly what I like. I have not had as much experience with XIom Vega X. That is to be determined.

I am not familiar with Stiga rubbers. I used to play Mendo Energy which was Stiga's version of Sriver and Mark V. It was alright. Then they came out with Innova series and they did not last at all. That put a bad taste in my mouth so I never feel the urge to buy Stiga rubbers anymore.
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Yes, I am pretty the new Primorac will play differently than the older Primorac that you really enjoyed.

I am starting to unload some of the items in my inventory and I am surprised that some of my clubmates are more than happy to pay me for it. They usually say, do you want to trade? But at this point, I don't really have anything I want from other people. I know what I want. And with my blades and rubber (no Butterfly rubber please for the most part), I can unload it at affordable price. I am not selling $350 set-up or $650 set-up. Two clubmates have gotten stuff from me and they like my taste. And they enjoyed my set-up so that is also nice. It will save them time, energy and money if I already set it up for them. I am not making money off of it. It is just to unload some of the excessive inventory. For example, do I really need 8 blackout carbons? I think I will pare it down to 4 eventually. My clubmates also like the way I boosted my hurricane and broken them in mechnically for them already. So, so far so good. I have some unopened sheets of various ESN rubber that I need to unload too. I will give someone at the club a good deal so they can enjoy those.
Nice to hear and read that, at the end we enjoy it and share with others and make them enjoy with our stuff if possible.

I sold one racket to a lady that i used to play with her a lot and enjoyed, in fact she played with my rackets against me and her level grown up noticeably, even in the same games when she swap rackets i can see her game are changing too, so i sold the least one i play with, it wasn't the best for her but definitely better than her own one, i just told her to change rubbers by herself rather than i do it for her, i recommended her few rubbers to choose, so i don't know if she did or not, she left the country last year and i stopped playing much after her and lowered my level, she came back just for short vacation and enjoyed playing with her again for that short time, but she didn't brought her racket i sold it to her and still used my own blades which was more fun as a challenge for me really.

I try to make a base ground for prices of my tools, because i spent a lot, but i don't want to lose profits out of them as well, so i put prices for my new stuff and prices for my used stuff, and i consider the conditions too, but i feel like most people here are buying the known brands more like Butterfly and Stiga or Tibhar or Nittaku as blades and like 90% are going with Butterfly rubbers only, so i feel like what i choose i make sure i will use it if i can't sell, or i must sacrifice to get buyers, i sold two used rubbers few days ago for about 75% of what i was asking for, but i accepted at the end because the person who bought is a very kind person and he is a top player, a coach too, so i didn't want to fight with him for more $$$ to lose him, i will try to sell another items with slightly more prices to get back that few $$ lose if possible, will see what will happen.
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My forehand has always been Hurricane 3 neo 39 degree. I am going to start trying 40 degree but I am not in a hurry. I have cheated on it by trying Hybrid such as K1 European version, K2, my friend's Dragon Grip, Big Dipper, etc. But I keep on going back to Hurricane. Today I played with Tenergy 05 on the forehand side. Blocking is fast. However my looping was terrible. I mean it is fast and great but less control and less spin than hurricane.

For your forehand I would recommend either Xiom Vega Pro or Xiom Vega X. Xiom Vega Pro is a poor man's version of Tenergy 05. They both make this distinct Tenergy 05 clicky sound (don't ask me how Xiom was able to pull that off) but Xiom Vega Pro is slower than Tenergy 05 which is exactly what I like. I have not had as much experience with XIom Vega X. That is to be determined.

I am not familiar with Stiga rubbers. I used to play Mendo Energy which was Stiga's version of Sriver and Mark V. It was alright. Then they came out with Innova series and they did not last at all. That put a bad taste in my mouth so I never feel the urge to buy Stiga rubbers anymore.
The only reason made me to go with Hurricane rubbers is that i bought a used one from a coach and i put it on that Primoarc EX blade, it was super duper rubber on my FH, i was like firing with my BH and making top spins i never was able to do before or surprised from where it came, i liked it a lot, but the racket got stolen as i said, so i bought several H3 Neo rubbers and none of them came close or same as that one i used to play with, the one i played with has like speed and control together, while the ones i have all have only speed and spin but no control as i like, so i didn't play with them much, i left the one on my Long 5X which is H3 Neo Provincial Blue sponge boosted, i tried this rubber some unboosted and some boosted, two 40 degree one 37 and one 41, none were nice as i want like the one on my stolen rubber, so i stopped buying and moved to G-1 and Hammond Z2.

I feel that you like Xiom rubbers a lot, i only tested two models, doesn't mean i want only them, i didn't see players in two or three clubs really using Xiom rubbers, maybe only 1-2 out of 500, so i didn't want to go with something not much popular or the chosen one among players in my country, even one Korean who said this Xiom is made in Korea doesn't play with it, so i am not sure i really want to test/use more of their rubbers, but hey, if you really think i will like their other rubbers i will give it a try, as long the prices are good, honestly speaking if i can sell my Hammond Z2 i have i will never wait or look elsewhere, immediately i will order another Hammond Z2 but in 2.0mm thickness, i really should order 1.8mm as test and not Max next to my 2.0mm ones, but i felt like if i will sell this rubber all people or many will as for Max.

Stiga is nice, just i tried their Calibra rubbers on others blades including Viscaria and TB ALC,, and i didn't like the rubber for me, but i can't say it is a bad rubber, i remember back in 2015-2017 many players were using this rubber next to Tenergy rubbers, so i know it was good model, but it didn't suit me much, but that could be due to thickness maybe, because i also bought MX-P twice i think with Max or 2.2mm thickness and none i like, also bought Big Dipper which i didn't find anything except 2.2mm thickness, also didn't like it, what i mean i didn't like it is that all of those Max sponge rubbers were heavy in my hand and so fast and i felt like i lost control and i am not enjoying anymore, i lose points more than winning, so i decided i will not play or use any rubber with thickness above 2.0mm, Hurricane 3 Neo are like 2.1mm or more, some almost there, Tenergy i played before were 2.1mm.
says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
Well-Known Member
Mar 2021
Soo many empty words to stupid headline.... Please delete this thread and permanentli disable topics like top.... something.
This thread is like triple cheeseburger with extra large serving of fries and soda. You know it is bad, in fact very bad for you, but you still want it.

By the way; the best BH rubber is long pimple. You will be instantly rewarded with many wins.
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Jan 2023
For me, Mark V is the best backhand rubber. This selection is in context of my development, my coaches ability to coach certain rubbers, my familiarity with Yasaka rubbers, the compatibility with the blade that I am using, my physicque, my specific way of hitting the ball, the weight of the rubber in conjunction with my forehand rubber etc.
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