Recent content by Funk Fu Master

  1. Best Flat Hitting Rubber?

    I think, most hard (47° and above) rubbers would be suited for Flat-hitting...
  2. Recommend me a super slow control oriented setup , for someone who basically just puts everything back ?

    If you want a super slow setup, then, for the blade, I'd recommend either Joola Toni Hold Whitespot,, KTL/LKT Toxic 3, or even TSP Balsa 3.0.. For inverted rubber, I'd say Gambler Reflectoid, or DHS PF4.
  3. Best racket case?

    Yep, these are ones I was talking about, above.. My club m8 has the one in Orange..
  4. Best racket case?

    Until 5 years back, I used to store all my racquets in a Hard wood case. However later-on, I realized that soft-cases are way lighter, and yet offer decent protection... Now, I use soft padded cases, with soft inner lining material. Eastfield has the best ones.. I also have one by Donic...
  5. 2024 olympic edition of DF balls.

    I received a Box of the new Double Fish Par40+ (Paris Olympics 2024) balls, just 3 days back, and I've had 1 session with them.. I've also played with the Double Fish V40+ WTT balls... A few initial thoughts on the Par40+ ones.. - I did a spin test (spun of a clean 25mm table-top) on all 6...
  6. What are the must try composite blades from common Chinese brands such as DHS, Yinhe, SANWEI and Sword?

    XVT Black Knight 7 - One of best low-priced blades. XVT Hinoki Balsa Carbon XVT ZL Koto XVT ZL Hinoki
  7. Carbon blade for long pips

    Recently, in one of the WTT youth tournaments, I saw a young Indian girl playing with D.tecs on a Xiom AZXi blade.. The D.tecs was on the Z side..
  8. Looking for light rubbers (coming from Rakza 7)

    Palio AK47 Red version.... It's the lightest rubber, I've come across, in the 45°-47° hardness range, and yet, manages to pack a punch.. One of the best price:performance
  9. Customizable leather TT racket case

    Very nice... very classy..... very expensive.... really like the cork core...
  10. Modern alternative to Samsonov Alpha

    My Apologies to all... I could be mistaken...
  11. Modern alternative to Samsonov Alpha

    I'm not sure if it's still available, but DHS Hurricane WL (Wang Liqin) has the same composition as Samsonov Alpha
  12. Thoughts and feelings on Yinhe W6 (or alternative blades)?

    I would not call it an alternative to W6, but i'd say Tibhar Stratus Powerwood.
  13. Yinhe or Sanwei Balls?

    I agree ... Sanwei ABS Pro 3 (Red/Pink Print) balls seem thicker and heavier...I'm not a big fan.. Haven't played much with Yinhe, Lately, I\ve been playing Double Fish V40+ WTT balls, and I really like them.. Very consistent, good bounce, don't seem too light nor too heavy.. Durability is...
  14. Best Inner Carbon blades

    Hi, Let's stop shitting on the guy whos made the video, and atleast appreciate the effort, irrespective of the outcome.. Anyway, some more inner-carbon blades, I like.. Andro Treiber CI Butterfly Pattrick Fransizka Inner ZLC Yinhe Pro Feeling Donic Original True Carbon Yasaka Ma Lin Carbon