Recent content by Sticky

  1. 38mm speed glue era table tennis

    @Tony's Table Tennis , would you by chance know how VOC/speed glues affect modern 40+ balls? Thanks.
  2. Glue usage reduction 😁

    Hey @SFF_lib, can you recommend some VOC glues. I'd like to try it. Thanks!
  3. Glue usage reduction 😁

    Don't stop there. Cut your rubber into 4 quarters and just glue a quarter in the sweet spot. Less than half the amount of glue needed and rubber lasts 4 times more!
  4. What to do with this?

    Acetone is an irritant but non-toxic nonetheless. It is the main compound in nail polish removers. You'll be fine.
  5. Which is better value for money Tenergy 05 or Dignics 05?

    I probably have one of the most expensive setup (Viscaria/T05/T05) for a beginner because a good friend/player recommended. As a 4.5 NTRP tennis player, I see a lot of similarities between the two sports. Techniques, physical health, mental maturity, and EJ. Two months into this new sport, I...
  6. Homemade racket case

    Exactly what I've been looking for. Thanks man.
  7. List of all rubbers made in Japan

    Don't rubbers degrade over time?
  8. wide fit shoes

    What model from Mizuno? Thanks.
  9. How does a semi-pro make money playing TT?

    @Tony's Table Tennis Can you share thoughts on how the Chinese system works? Everyone of their players have the CHINA below their names. Is the state funding them in all events? So curious.
  10. Common TT injuries

    I suspect knee, elbow, and back may be likely injuries again for me as I progress in TT. These I have had in tennis and the back is the worst of them.
  11. Common TT injuries

    I'm new to TT and not young anymore. Would help for beginners like me to be aware of things not to do. Thanks!
  12. Need advice: how to transform qualities from training to match play

    Sounds like a confidence issue. As a tennis player, I also had this experience long time ago playing competitive matches. I agree with Mikey half way because more time is good but not without pressure. Match tolerance is a phenomenon in every sport. Pressure is reduced or eliminated through...
  13. Do TT pros use what they endorse?

    Hello. Noob here coming from the tennis camp. Was wondering how much customization is done with the pros? Does the general public have access to the same equipment they use? Does static weight, swing weight, and balance point apply with TT? Curious to know any similarities.