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  1. Advancing Table Tennis Robots: PongFox Tests Service & Return Feature - Thoughts?

    We're excited to announce a game-changing feature that's currently in testing for the PongFox table tennis robot. Once rolled out, this innovation will allow players to interact with the ball after service, a capability not yet found in any other commercially available table tennis robots. The...
  2. Improving Third Ball Play After Service in Table Tennis

    I am hoping to find some help and insights in training for third ball attack in table tennis. Without a dedicated coach to guide me, I rely on fellow players for practice. However, I'm facing a couple of major challenges. Firstly, I am trying to focus on refining my basic footwork pattern and...
  3. Integrating ChatGPT with a Table tennis robot

    I am experimenting with Integrating chatGPT AI model with the PongFox table tennis robot. There are a few ideas that we are thinking of. What do you guys think will be a useful feature for training with a robot and AI assistant?
  4. Grass Dtec Spin Reversal: See the Actual Effect in Slow-Motion Video

    Tibhar Grass Dtec amount of spin reversal and speed reduction
  5. The impact of spin on dignics 09c and fastarc G1 with angles calculated [video]

    This time, attempted spin, with a few modifications from a video shooting standpoint, including increased lighting and slow-motion footage captured with a mobile camera. Additionally, data was collected and added some charts at the end of the video. Excited to be going to WTT Goa next week :-)
  6. Spin and speed comparison of rubber/ply [video]

    I plan to create videos examining various rubbers' spin and speed effects. Here are the initial videos in this series. Once we get the basics right, we can go to different clubs and try different combinations. Starting with Dignics 09c and Nittaku Fastarc G1 on a Petr Korbel ply Let me know if...
  7. Science-Driven Secrets to Improving Table Tennis Performance

    I've been interested in exploring ways to enhance quality in daily routines. I've created a few videos on the topic. Let me know if you're interested in a particular research aspect and I'll provide more information. Science-Driven Secrets to Improving Table Tennis Performance
  8. Connecting sports science research to Table Tennis practice

    I recently got interested in sports science, and there seems to be a lot of research on Table tennis training that is very interesting. Many practice techniques discussed are about repetition, but not enough is mentioned on how to be flexible in your strokes. What does sports science research...
  9. OpenAI and table tennis

    I got access to OpenAI, For those of who are not familiar. OpenAI GPT-3 is a language model whose performance is on par with the best language models for text generation. Here are a few experiments I have been doing with it and is pretty impressive. Do you guys have some questions or suggestions...
  10. An idea to train on any table at home

    I helped out a friend to use his existing table (4 x 2), PVC pipe and bedspread to train at home during lockdown. Do you guys have any recommendation's on how to improve this. The pre-requisite is having a configurable robot though. forehand, middle, forehand and backhand drill
  11. Research about ball catch net

    Hello, I am doing a bit of research on ball catch net's, I have a few question about these - Does your club have a ball catch net? - Do you use it mostly for training with Robots or is it used for multi ball training - Which ball catch net would you recommend - What problem do...
  12. Computer powered low cost 3 head TT Robot

    I got frustrated waiting for Trainerbot and as a side project started building my own Table Tennis robot. We got an initial prototype working a few months back and some of our friends wanted one. So we polished it a bit and have started shipping locally in our city. I do not know if any other...
  13. Trying out a different tournament format

    Most of us in our network are working and also have a family. While we love to play matches, we are unable to spend the whole weekends playing tournaments. We are trying out a variant of a Ladder format. We create an event and agree upon a time frame say one month. Players sign up for the...