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  1. Pips falling out

    This is actually a problem that can be solved quite simply. The pips are breaking off easily because they're facing outwards. If you glue the rubber on with the pips facing inwards, they're much less likely to break away. And if you mount the pops on a sponge layer when you do this, they're...
  2. Dignics 09c longevity

    Fastarc G1 is very, very durable. You're bound to run into disappointment if you wish to "bump things up" and then expect similar longevity. People claim Dignics 05, 80 also last long. Well, they may last better than most rubbers, but still pale in comparison to G1. There's some raving about...
  3. Saudi Smash 2024

    A fair player would concede rather than challenge the point.
  4. Saudi Smash 2024

    At 9-9 in the 4th game Mima Ito and Hina Hayata served, won the point and reached match point. SYS then, after the fact, engaged with the referee, and managed to pressure that referee in reversing the decision and calling a let. This intervention changed the entire flow of the match. MI/HY...
  5. Im losing faith in the sport

    Let's be careful out there. Do seek (more/better) medical help. I'm saying this because I have a child that's been going downhill for 10+ years now. It probably started with a simple infection. ( Sometimes such a...
  6. Saudi Smash 2024

    SYS is a fine player but should have retired from the game in utter shame in 2019. Congrats, Cheng Meng. Good win.
  7. What's causing China losing all these matches lately?

    BO5, and the shadow of the upcoming olympics is looming large.
  8. Your personal "hatelist" of players

    Hate is a too powerful negative, and the hate cycle all too commonly used to bait clicks, further fuel anomosities and eventually break down the fabric of society should be deprived oxygen, not fed. That being said, I'm holding unfair play and players committing it in very low esteem. Here's...
  9. Dignics and its Effect on Sales of Tenergy and Rozena

    Newsflash: most heavily marketed brand tops marketing statistics. World leaders are SHOCKED. Yet I'd prefer FastArc G-1 (the #2 bestseller) over Rozena (the #1) every single day. Even though Rozena's just fine.
  10. Tactics when your loop gets chopblocked

    There's always ball placement options to consider.
  11. Xuperman Powerplay-X

    Reply to review by 'yoass' on item 'Xuperman Powerplay-X'

    Update: after scouring Ali, I actually bought it from ProTT. Just in case.
  12. Xuperman Powerplay-X

    Review by 'yoass' on item 'Xuperman Powerplay-X'

    I'm no EJ by any means; cured of that years back. Even so, in admiration of "the spice of life" Xu Xin and his attempt towards a post-pro life in bringing Xuperman-branded rubbers to market made me curious. Usually, Fastarc G-1 is my go-to; it has been for years. So that's my main frame of...
  13. Xuperman Powerplay-x: A Rubber by Xu Xin

    Well, a few Xuperman Powerplay - X # 2.1 41 # Black sheets just might reach me in 40-60 days.
  14. DHS Gold arc 8 vs Andro rasanter R45 vs Nittaku fastarc G1

    I played with all of them, and didn't like R45 all that much. Must be me; it was way too bouncy in areas of the game where I really don't need that, and it felt limited in terms of speed/spin pressure. G1 and GA8 are not alike. GA8 at 48º is nothing special, and I don't think I could...
  15. Faster Gold Arc 5 alternatives

    Vega Pro.
  16. The best purchase you ever made?

    Settling on a blade design with and having that blade then built to perfection by SdCblades.
  17. What makes Joola Flash balls so popular in Europe?

    You said it. Never seen one.
  18. What's a better backhand rubber than G1 that's not Dignics?

    I'm reading much here that runs counter to my experience; but then, so does the OP's question. G1 has plenty of power to offer, with a very high top end. I would say, higher top-end power than T19, Vega X and Pro. Then again, I always like highly bouncy rubbers at first, but shy away from...
  19. Can you "fake" toss a ball as long as the ball don't leave your hand?

    2.6.1 Service shall start with the ball resting freely on the open palm of the server's stationary free hand. 2.6.2 The server shall then project the ball near vertically upwards, without imparting spin, so that it rises at least 16cm after leaving the palm of the free hand and then falls...
  20. Create your own blade.

    Shell is UK-based, and sells wreck-the-planet-fast stuffs at worry-not-about-tomorrow prices.