UK Table Tennis Prospects

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I guess this can go a few different ways.

It's possible that the Juniors who are used to using Manufacturer X will continue to do so as they play into adulthood (and start spending their own money).

Or.... The marketing of a Butterfly (or similar) take over and they opt for that.

I think it would be easy to say that we would support a manufacturer who is helping the sport at a local level, but I'm just not sure I see a way for that manufacturer to come out of it profitably.

Out of interest, what price points do your blades hit?
Your point about affordability is a good one. Sponsoring clubs, schools and juniors - even just a handful of them - isn't cheap, and if you're going to make any difference at all, your support needs to be continual and ongoing. Which means that your prices have to have a component built into them which makes giving some equipment away to be a commercially viable option... We are no different in that regard.

We (and really I mean me 🤣) are also pretty fanatical about or product quality too, which jacks the price up. We make all our blades by hand, we only produce blades in small numbers and limited batches, we only use the absolute best quality materials available at the time and we very rarely substitute woods, as in many cases the quality suffers considerably.

So as you can imagine, the vast majority of our our products really aren't cheap. The mid tier products we offer for sale in the UK and Europe start around the 130-150 Euro mark, with our top lines being well in excess of 300 Euro a pop, though to be fair, not all that money goes to us. Taxes, duties, shipping and handling costs and retailer margins feed into those figures an awful lot.

While our products will never be cheap or mass produced, the price premiums we ask also feed into our community support, and we're always looking to ways to make it work better if we possibly can.

The only point I was really looking to make with all this, is that if TT is to progress in markets like the UK or Australia (where we're lagging behind the pack a bit), then there has to be regular ongoing investment into the sport coming from **somewhere**.

If it's not coming from government, or the major TT companies, then where else can it comes from? The way I figure it has to come from a diversified and locally-invested industry base with actual skin in the game, or else from the community itself.

People keep wanting and talking about find a rich patreon or two somewhere, and try to Instill in them a love of table tennis and a desire to give to the sport at grass roots level. Or else they say 'if I had a billion dollars, I'd invest in the game and try to grow it"... It's a beautiful noble gesture on their part, but it's also a pipe dream, and I think we all know that.

All I'm saying is, an alternate approach might be finding somebody who is *already* working at the grass roots level of the game, and is *already* inclined and motivated to give all they can back to the community, and do what you can to give that person a few million to play with, or at least help them a little in gaining access to more funds to pour into the game's future instead.

Of all the approaches I've personally seen suggested so far, rewarding somebody for something they are actually already doing, just seems the most realistic and achievable path.

Please note I'm not saying it has to be me, or us, or Wakkibat. Given its the UK game were discussing, it should really be a UK-based entity. It just needs to be somebody who actually gives a damn, and is willing to head out there, put their own arse on the line, and be a bit proactive about things.
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Jun 2018
Just had a quick look at your blades @Wakkibatty - they look great - the Stingray one is mad (in a good way!), :-D
Im in agreement with @NDH - this discussion is so hard as I feel we are hopeless to work out the answers. In my area there is a drive to get more juniors in the game by a couple of clubs - and they are getting really good. But that needs to be happening up and down the country to try and bring the level up.
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Jun 2023
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Just had a quick look at your blades @Wakkibatty - they look great - the Stingray one is mad (in a good way!), :-D
Im in agreement with @NDH - this discussion is so hard as I feel we are hopeless to work out the answers. In my area there is a drive to get more juniors in the game by a couple of clubs - and they are getting really good. But that needs to be happening up and down the country to try and bring the level up.
Thank you very much! 🙂 But please don't judge us by that site, or those pics That whole site is close to two years out of date, and our lineup has changed hugely in that time. A new site with an all-new list of pre-made blades is coming reasonably soon.

As for the Stingray, yeah -- that is a pretty wild design 🤣🤣😂😂 It was designed by a very dear friend of mine Jok (a local coach and ex pro soccer player). It looks wild, it's kinda fun to use and gives amazing performance away from the table, but it's also not remotely representative of what we do. We just make those blade for him under license. Our own blades are far more conservative in design, and achieve their playing advantage by the novel woods and materials we use to deliver great playing feel, as opposed to using crazy shapes. .

Can't recall if our Black Betty model is on the old site, but that blade is a much better example of the kind of stuff we do now, so please judge us by that level of design and finish. 🙂🙂. It's light, fast, well behaved and it's unique outer woods give it an amazing feeling. Geoff Salter from Scotland grabbed one off us a month or two back, and I'm told he just won his (and our 🎉) first national title with it, as well as his last three major national veterans events (Our UK stockist tells us he now wants another custom one made up for him so we must be doing something right 😊😁😜🥳😜

EDIT: Just checked, and it's not there sorry; I actually posted it to a Discord discussion instead, which is what confused me. Link is here ==>
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says toooooo much choice!!
says toooooo much choice!!
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Jul 2020
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Is that free because the coaches volunteer, or because there is someone/something subsiding the cost?

There just aren't enough people nationwide who are willing to give up their time to do it for free anymore (and I don't blame them).

At the same time, the money isn't really there to be able to pay these people a worthwhile amount for their time either!
We volunteer, Tuesdays and Fridays 2hr each night. 1st hour is for junior beginners and the 2nd hour for more advanced juniors & adult players. A couple of years ago the standard was varied from beginner up to a junior with a national ranking of around 10 in her age group!! she got there by training at other more serious clubs combined with playing at the academy.
The academy was set up by 2 coaches so players could get some coaching, there was nothing 'suitable' in the area. we are not a club, you come to us to train and learn. we don't play in a league, fairly strict but without being too full on. the sessions are still 'fun'. we have groups, but then also pull 2 or 3 players away for multi-ball routines for 15mins and rotate during the hour session, that sort of thing!!
We could expand somewhat, but as you said, coaches who are prepared to give 4hrs a week for free are few and far between, if we expanded, we would need another coach or 2. At present 1 coach doing multi-ball on one table and 2 coaches running 3 tables each is about right.
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the art of blade making may be a thing of the past in the future, which would be a shame. cutting down 200yr old trees for some Hinoki Cypress, etc is being looked at with a frown these days in some circles.
I know right!? Cutting down a 600 year old tree to make a blade is like cutting up your grandmother to make soup. 🤮

Sustainable sources only please or just don't bother.


says Spin to win!
Wood Nut blades, available through Custom Table Tennis, are more than decent—they're really good. See here:

They're pretty expensive, though, so I'm not suggesting they solve any major problems, just that there is at least one high quality UK blade maker.
I think this sums up that particular train of thought, and I imagine it's a similar problem for @Wakkibatty down under.....

The added premium for a hand made blade is just too much to swallow for most people.

Unless there is a really strong brand association, I really struggle to see how custom makers can make a serious living in table tennis.

It's like asking an upcoming basketball junior if they want trainers (sneakers) from Air Jordan/Nike or from your local cobbler who makes really good shoes that no one has heard of.

The target market for those custom blades is likely to be less than half a percent of the playing population.
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Jun 2018
Thank you very much! 🙂 But please don't judge us by that site, or those pics That whole site is close to two years out of date, and our lineup has changed hugely in that time. A new site with an all-new list of pre-made blades is coming reasonably soon.

As for the Stingray, yeah -- that is a pretty wild design 🤣🤣😂😂 It was designed by a very dear friend of mine Jok (a local coach and ex pro soccer player). It looks wild, it's kinda fun to use and gives amazing performance away from the table, but it's also not remotely representative of what we do. We just make those blade for him under license. Our own blades are far more conservative in design, and achieve their playing advantage by the novel woods and materials we use to deliver great playing feel, as opposed to using crazy shapes. .

Can't recall if our Black Betty model is on the old site, but that blade is a much better example of the kind of stuff we do now, so please judge us by that level of design and finish. 🙂🙂. It's light, fast, well behaved and it's unique outer woods give it an amazing feeling. Geoff Salter from Scotland grabbed one off us a month or two back, and I'm told he just won his (and our 🎉) first national title with it, as well as his last three major national veterans events (Our UK stockist tells us he now wants another custom one made up for him so we must be doing something right 😊😁😜🥳😜

EDIT: Just checked, and it's not there sorry; I actually posted it to a Discord discussion instead, which is what confused me. Link is here ==>

Amazing - I've played Geoff before, top player. I was lucky to take a set or two off him.
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Nov 2023
I think this sums up that particular train of thought, and I imagine it's a similar problem for @Wakkibatty down under.....

The added premium for a hand made blade is just too much to swallow for most people.

Unless there is a really strong brand association, I really struggle to see how custom makers can make a serious living in table tennis.

It's like asking an upcoming basketball junior if they want trainers (sneakers) from Air Jordan/Nike or from your local cobbler who makes really good shoes that no one has heard of.

The target market for those custom blades is likely to be less than half a percent of the playing population.

I make blades as a hobby. You can see the most recent one I made here:

I agree with you about the brand issue. I don't expect to sell any of my blades to youngsters - they all want Butterfly! My market is older players that want something a bit different that don't care about the logo or Table Tennis 'designer labels'.
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I make blades as a hobby. You can see the most recent one I made here:

I agree with you about the brand issue. I don't expect to sell any of my blades to youngsters - they all want Butterfly! My market is older players that want something a bit different that don't care about the logo or Table Tennis 'designer labels'.
Good in you for making your own blades! The world needs more Bladesmiths in my view, so welcome.

If it helps, the only way I've found to get around the whole brand fixation of kids, is to encourage them to experiment a little and try out different stuff from time to time as sometimes it can help you improve if you find one that's better suited to where your game is at currently.

At the same time I tell them not to chop and change too much, as that can destabilize their game.

In my experience at least, you're never going to get a kid to choose an unknown name product (like yours and mine), over a known name product like Butterfly. They have no knowledge of you or your products, and don't have the experience yet to determine whether they are any good or not . They only know what the media, their coaches and their parents tell them, or else they know what their favorite player uses, and they'll want to play with that. Put simply, they don't know you, so they don't trust you. It's not just about branding, it's about trust, and rightfully so frankly.

Once they have tried some other equipment (and liked it), and once they know about more about what to look for, then you may be able to get them to try something out. Otherwise I agree with you entirely... You'll have much better luck selling to mature players who knows exactly what they want, and who know the right blade for them when they see it. This is largely why I try not to sell to kids, and would rather just give them a blade if I can afford to do so. It's not manipulative, it's a gift, and the world needs more generosity in general, as well as more young kids playing the game. They in turn will recognise you're not trying to get something out of them. Just be honest about it with them -- all you want them to do, is to just play the game, have fun, and ask that they hopefully remember you and your blade when it next comes time for them to buy a competition blade, many years later.

Wish you lots of luck with your blade making! All the best. Respect! 😎
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says Spin to win!
I agree with you about the brand issue. I don't expect to sell any of my blades to youngsters - they all want Butterfly! My market is older players that want something a bit different that don't care about the logo or Table Tennis 'designer labels'.
But do the older players actually care?

I reckon if I did a poll of 1000 local league players (what do we consider "older" here..... over 40?", half of them wouldn't even know what blade they used, a huge chunk of them would just replace their bat with a similar cheap blade, and the ones who care would end up with a major brand.

The number of those 1000 who would consider a custom blade is probably 1.... maybe 2.

But.... You might be able to tell me different?

It's not a question I've asked 😅
says Inner Carbon is King
says Inner Carbon is King
Jun 2023
Great win for Paul Drinkhall in the Saudi Smash, 3-0 over Yang Wang!

Tin-Tin lost 3-0 in the first qualifying round & Hursey lost in 5.
Followed up well with maybe a slightly lucky win against Jules Rolland. Great Game. He really is on top form, would be interesting to see hwo far he will get in the main draw. Does anyone know who he is going to be playing in the ro64?
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Mar 2013
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Followed up well with maybe a slightly lucky win against Jules Rolland. Great Game. He really is on top form, would be interesting to see hwo far he will get in the main draw. Does anyone know who he is going to be playing in the ro64?
I think he's got Ionescu.

Paul's playing really well at the mo, looks in good shape as well. Hope he carries on!