Loki Honor ALC Review

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Have any of you guys ever bought an item that is truly complicated, like an electric toothbrush, a toaster or a towel? Do you undertake the same process whereby one of you buys a random toaster from a cheap Chinese company, tries it out for a week with different types of bread at different times of the day and then posts pictures and a written report on a forum only for your peers to call you an idiot because you can't even tell with certainty what the room temperature was during your tests?
What is wrong with guys taking these aweful analogies. The comparison makes no sense, because you arent competing with a toothbrush, toaster or a towel. And in the unlikely case you would do it, you would definitly take similar thought processes.

Id bet that you dont even need to compete, because there are definitly website on which ppl discuss exactly the quality of different toasters and toothbrushes.
Dont be so narrow minded.

But yeah thanks for the redundant offtopic
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This user has no status.
Apr 2020
What is wrong with guys taking these aweful analogies. The comparison makes no sense, because you arent competing with a toothbrush, toaster or a towel. And in the unlikely case you would do it, you would definitly take similar thought processes.

Id bet that you dont even need to compete, because there are definitly website on which ppl discuss exactly the quality of different toasters and toothbrushes.
Dont be so narrow minded.

But yeah thanks for the redundant offtopic
says Table tennis clown
says Table tennis clown
Well-Known Member
Apr 2020
Neee thanks, to me it still looks like a US $ 40 blade.
Also, I don't care if it has got Arylate, Aromatics or Aramid in it, when it comes from china it is likely just carbon with kevlar, the stuff dies into any color 😂😂
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This user has no status.
Aug 2023
I have been playing table tennis for more than 8 years and like many other players continuing to search the best weapon. I am now in favour of the Loki Wang Hao Honor than other blades I played such as Stiga Cybershape Carbon, Viscaria, Timo Bill ALC, FZD ALC and Super ALC, Yasaka Athelico Power, Long 5, Darker Speed 90, etc. The Loki WHH is a clone of the Long 5 or W968 and I believe it is the closest clone.

I bought the first WHH in April last year and the second one in Nov. The heavier one (86g) plays very similar to Long 5. The lighter one(82g) is exceptionally good in ball feeling, spin, control and has a crispy sound when hitted through. The heavier one feels more solid and has a lower pitch when hitted through. Speed of WHH is about the same as Viscaria but with more spin and control. Looping with WHH is a joy. This blade is capable to do everything you want if you have the techniques. It is also good in all distance, near net, midway, close and far table. It is soft enough for short ball placement and has sufficient bottom strength for multiple far table looping and smashing. My only adverse comment is that I wish it can be faster, although it is fast enough for most recreational player like me.

I paired it with D05 in backhand and it is by far the best match. I tried many rubbers but D05 stands out in overall performance. It gives the speed, spin and placement whenever I wanted and I have the highest on the table rate with this rubber. I am using 729 Battle 3 as FH and quite happy with the control and spin. However I would like to have something faster and so is still searching.

As a side comment, the only other blade I am satisfied is FZD Super ZLC which I borrowed from my friend. It also has top of the class ball feeling, control, spin and speed. However it is much more expensive.
says Table tennis clown
says Table tennis clown
Well-Known Member
Apr 2020
true, the first doctor cant see you for 18 months
Maybe I know a lot more really ill americans than you do and many of them are forever changing doctors and specialists in order to find either the best and often to simply find one that is not too stupid to understand the specific illnesses.
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This user has no status.
Sep 2023
Maybe I know a lot more really ill americans than you do and many of them are forever changing doctors and specialists in order to find either the best and often to simply find one that is not too stupid to understand the specific illnesses.
you might be older. doctors arent a big part of most young peoples lives, yet. i have no doubt it gets a lot more serious later on. You're right about the massive ineptitude. This thread could go way off the rails discussing that. Best to focus on the Loki blade Zaddy was kind enough to review.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2014
Read 17 reviews
Have any of you guys ever bought an item that is truly complicated, like an electric toothbrush, a toaster or a towel? Do you undertake the same process whereby one of you buys a random toaster from a cheap Chinese company, tries it out for a week with different types of bread at different times of the day and then posts pictures and a written report on a forum only for your peers to call you an idiot because you can't even tell with certainty what the room temperature was during your tests?
I wish I had read this last year! It puts life in perspective for sure!