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  • Hi dragonowen,
    I am looking for a new blade. I have played with innerfoce layer alc and enjoy the soft vibrating feel of the blade but it's still tad too muted for me. I hated the feeling of viscaria and timo boll spirit and alc it was way too muted with 0 feedback. Mainly concerned in vibration and feedback generally nice feel. Looking at mozutani zlc and innceroce layer zlc. What would you recommend and could you tell me how the mizutani feels in terms of feedback vibrations and softness. Could you please email me at [email protected]. thank you appreciated
    Hello, if you have wide "old school" FH loop, then R50 is quite nice for FH, if you have more modern "compact" "tensor orientated" FH loop, then R50 might be not your cup of tea... It's just R50 play great, powerful and with a lot of control when you fully adored it's hard sponge, but when you try to play soft loop it's control is bad and if incoming ball have a backspin it can just fall down from your racket, the reason is Rasanter topsheet not have much spin, so spin is mostly created with a sponge, the pros of it is that it's not very sencetive to incoming spin, so it's great for flat shots... For now I changed R50 and tenergy 05 on my Apolonia blade to XIOM Omega 7 Asia, might try it om Mizutani as well, but don't know if it's help me to make Mizutani my main blade, at least with Tenergy 05 and/or Rasanter R50 Mizutani ZLC is too fast for me to handle at close to the table distance...
    Heey, hows the combination of Mizutani ZLC and Rasanter 50?
    I use Rasant PowerGrip for my forehand and Tenergy 05 for my backhand. Tenergy 05 for forehand seems like not giving enough power compared to Rasant Powergrip... did you hear about Hexer Powergrip?
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