Aliexpress Singles Day Sale 2023

Summarizing in few words, Sanwei 75 Inner is a great blade, and I'm glad I bought it, thanks Tensor Backhand.

The speed is fine, pretty enough for finishing a point, a bit less of my Viscaria but with much more dwell time and control. I think I don't need the higher speed of the Viscaria, but I do need the higher sense of controlling and feeling the ball.

On forehand: easy to open backspin ball, very high spin on opening topspin, more than enough speed on topspin drives, good control on short, good blocks. Very good spin on serves.

On backhand: good in opening backspin balls, but not as good as in Viscaria, great on drives and blocks, again very good spin in serves. I was able to keep higher pace on BH than Viscaria, I made a lot of BH winners. Viscaria has still the edge on openin topspin against backspin.

The balance of this blade is very good.

Sanwei knows how to do tt blades. I think I will continue to use 75 Inner altogether with my Viscaria, I might probably use it for my next regional tournament.