Ask Kalinikos Kreanga a question!

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says TTD Team vs Pongfinity OUT NOW on our YT Channel
Well-Known Member
Oct 2010
Hi everyone,

We will be interviewing the powerful, spectacular Kalinikos Kreanga very soon. Any questions you have for us, fire them away and we will do our best to ask them to him!


Thanks guys!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2016
I am interested about his backhand. Have he always had a good backhand? Is it natural or has he worked alot on it? Did someone teach him to loop this way or Did it just happen? What does he think is the most important things to develop and have a good backhand? How should you try to play in a game to be able to use your nice backhand? Do he consider his backhand unmodern and does he think it works in todays fast Tabletennis? Would he change his backhand to a backhand more over the table if he was younger?
Is he very relaxed and is this the reason he van make a somewhat long swing But still recover? Does he think it is better, or goes faster to have a longer relaxed swing or a shorter one were he need to stop the motion by being tense? Have he had shoulder issues because of his backhand swing? How does he prevent these injuries? Interested in his warm up and strength exercises.

Maybe you can use one of these exercises or atleast ask something good about his backhand.
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What does he think of the Greek and Romanian young talents coming through in Europe at the moment (Pletea, Sgouropoulous, Sipos) ? Can they be top 10 players? What does Europe have to do to compete with Asia like they did back in his prime? Timo and Vladi are still two of the best but should have been usurped a while ago due to their age.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2016
Please ask him on how he has one of the best backhands of all time, but still the chequita (backhand fllip) is not a fundamental part of his game (I really didn't see him use it even once)

I maybe can answer that. I think that flipping that way is very modern and have not been around for so long. So he never learned it when he was young and he was pretty old i think, when it came so i can imagine it must be difficult to develop your game or learn a new stroke at that age. But maybe he was younger when it came than i think and maybe it is easier to learn a new stroke at an older age at that level than i think.
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I maybe can answer that. I think that flipping that way is very modern and have not been around for so long. So he never learned it when he was young and he was pretty old i think, when it came so i can imagine it must be difficult to develop your game or learn a new stroke at that age. But maybe he was younger when it came than i think and maybe it is easier to learn a new stroke at an older age at that level than i think.

So may be we let him answer that ? because you raised finally the same question. Com'on like my post so that Dan chooses it :p .

I'm a low level player and even on that level I'm not known for my backhand topspin but however I'm known for the backhand flip (people who played me before try their best to avoid short serves in double matches). So I just can't get my head about Kreanga not be able to learn this. I don't really know
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Would you agree that the gymnastics training you received in your early days contribute to your success in table tennis?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 2018
Read 2 reviews
Would you agree that the gymnastics training you received in your early days contribute to your success in table tennis?

Excellent question! I strongly believe that sports that teaches you to control your body like gymnastics and athletics must surely give you an edge in pretty much all sports (excluding "sports" that doesn't make you sweat like darts, pool etc). It'll be interesting to hear his answer.