Is it OK to play when you're feeling hurt at some places?

says Feeling blue
says Feeling blue
Sep 2023
So when I play today, I felt a stain, tension at the connection of my right chest and my arm. I warmed up blocking first and I felt like it hurts a little bit every time I drove the ball. And then I go for a loop, unfortunately I play Chinese rubber, so I went for a full swing. To be honest it hurts a little bit more than the block every time but it has the same intensity of hurting, I was just able to pull out 4 successful shots before whiffing others. And then I continue to play like 1 and a half hours more, and then I felt the hurt minimize to the smallest and I was able to loop like normal and even more powerful since I use my waist and legs more and less depending on my arm. I think the reason for the hurt is that from the last session, I looped on the table and half-long ball a lot, and I kind of relied on the rotation of my arm a lot.
I also felt tension at the back of my right knee (maybe it contributes to why I'm slow at moving for wide forehand cross, my knee joint jiggles and slows me back a little), I play like 20+ hours a week, so I always felt strain at there. I know I need a little bit rest but if I rest, all of my body gonna be hurt lol. I'm lucky that I don't get a back hurt since I always keep the form of my back like I'm doing a deadlift.
I don't really want to get some injures like ligament rupture, dislocated muscle, etc. So I want to ask for some medication and muscle relaxants that people often do after playing and knowing when to stop. To be honest, sometimes I play tt until like 3AM in the morning lol or I played like 5 hours consecutively when I'm free.
Update: I feel hurt when I lock my knee now :), it's a bit hurt to stand upright.
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You just gotta assess what the pain is; sometimes its actual damage sometimes its just your muscles being tired. Really think about when and how you got the pain, if it was late in the week then it could just be that your muscles are tired.

Also no matter what type of pain it is just make sure to stretch it out, don't let it tense up, even if you haven't got a training soon other events might trigger the pain again.

Do some good warmups, both on and off the table. One of the best tips I've heard is that even though you might not like having 10 minutes less table time every session to do warmups, these warmups can prevent weeks of injury that you can't play.
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Jan 2015
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Without being there physically to assess you, it is hard to say whether it is ok to keep playing while you feel pain. Given that you are playing quite a lot every week, (20 hours per week, that is like doing half of what a full time job would be), it is probably worthwhile getting yourself checked out by a sports doctor or a physio to look at the cause of the pain. Since you are playing so much, you would not want to keep reinforcing the injuries if there is an issue.
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says Feeling blue
says Feeling blue
Sep 2023
I am not up on internet & forum lingo but I was wondering if there are any symbols or emojis for sarcasm or extreme sarcasm.
I was told if you enclose a sentence or word or paragraph using < > that meant sarcasm. Is that true ?
lol, chill man. It's just an expression. It's like laugh it off. You can see if you ask someone something that they would never do, they often response with a laugh corresponding to it.
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Jul 2017
Pro players will sometimes play with some kind of pain but if you can afford it it is better to wait till the pain is gone.

Pain can be anything from a slight ailment to a serious tear of something. Often it will be nothing and go away soon but sometimes ignoring it can make it worse and hurt you long term.

The safest way if you have pain is to take 3 or 4 days off and then try again. If it then still hurts visit a doctor.
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