New Setup/Recommendations

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New Member
Nov 2023
Hello there! I’m new to this forum so I might be wrong in this thread. If a similar thread already exists, please feel free to transfer it.
I want to let you guys know that I was playing TT in the past and then paused for almost 10 years and started again in 2019. In this period of time the balls have changed and all the different rubbers and blades changed and got developed further and further. So for me it was quite difficult to chose the right setup. The last 4 years I have tried almost everything but nothing really satisfied me for longer.
I would say my style of play is more offensive aligned. Especially with FH I really like to play powerful topspin’s and hate being in the passive role. But I have recognized that I like rubbers with almost no or little catapult effect to it. I like being the active part and dominate the game but not without being able to have lots of control to it. For the BH I’m much more passive and play backspin balls or even try to chop from middle distance but also like to attack when possible.
Right now I’m playing a Andro Gauzy SL with Andro Hexer Duro (BH) and Andro Rasanter 53 on FH. But I guess this setup is way to hard to control for me. It all stands and falls with the perfect footwork. So my setup is not really forgiving and causes many many unforced errors in passive play or even topspin’s go over the table when not standing properly. I would love to hear some advice from you guys.
Is there any setup you can recommend for my style of play?

Best regards
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Active Member
Oct 2019
Read 3 reviews
As you have a fast, quite stiff wooden blade, and looking for more linear rubbers I'd say that you should check out some Chinese products.

It could be hard to go directly for 729 Battle II or DHS Hurricane 3 rubbers, as they are quite different from your current setup.

So check out Yinhe Big Dipper 39deg, 729 Battle III 39deg, Giant Dragon TopEnergy Soft, Sanwei Gear Hyper or Loki GTX Pro for forehand.

And perhaps Big Dipper 38deg, 729 Battle II Soft, Giant Dragon Storm Soft, 729 Presto Max Spin or 729 Focus III Snipe 42/44deg for backhand.
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New Member
Nov 2023
Some of my friends and many other people I know from playing countless tournaments etc have recommended Nittaku Fast-Arc G1 for BH and Butterfly Rozena as an early stage to Butterfly T05 for FH. What are your thoughts of this?
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Active Member
Aug 2023
Some of my friends and many other people I know from playing countless tournaments etc have recommended Nittaku Fast-Arc G1 for BH and Butterfly Rozena as an early stage to Butterfly T05 for FH. What are your thoughts of this?
I’d switch FH and BH but it’s a great combo