Which plastic ball is the best ?

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This is exactly my experience as well. Everyone at the local club wants nothing to do with anything other than Nittaku, because all the tournaments around here use them. So I oblige and crack them left and right. My brother and I train with DHS and they last forever. Hardly ever break one and when we do it's the tiniest little crack. I almost spilt a Nittaku completely in two with a good smash. I bought a sleeve of 6 Nittakus and they're all gone. The box of 10 DHS that I bought months earlier still has 8 left......and like you said they're cheaper.
Nittakus get shiny very fast and are less durable than the DHS, and they cost double-ish, so I prefer the DHS. The Bty A40s were pretty awful, but I just played a tournament with the Bty R40+ and those were fine, interchangeable with NP and DHS, but probably for an even higher price, idk.

This is exactly my experience as well. Everyone at the local club wants nothing to do with anything other than Nittaku, because all the tournaments around here use them. So I oblige and crack them left and right. My brother and I train with DHS and they last forever. Hardly ever break one and when we do it's the tiniest little crack. I almost spilt a Nittaku completely in two with a good smash. I bought a sleeve of 6 Nittakus and they're all gone. The box of 10 DHS that I bought months earlier still has 8 left......and like you said they're cheaper.

Are You sure they are 40+ premium, It was a really really long time since I saw the best Nittaku's come in anything other then a 3 pack.


says Fair Play first
says Fair Play first
Well-Known Member
Jan 2012
Липучая резина -- интересная наука.

Сегодня на китайских резиновых фабриках применяютца (3) три технологических метода для производства липучей теннисной резины.

Самый интересный для массового потребителя способ основан на разработках американского химика Хари Фишер, патент 1934 года. Чем нас привлекает этот способ?
Липкость на резинах Фишера практически не увядает со временем, и для рефреша достаточно обработать заигранную резину медицинским спиртом, и резина будет липкая опять.

К нашему сожалению, массовый технически несведущий потребитель не может знать какая именно химическая технология применялась на резинах, которую он купил в магазине. Например резину Фишера можно распознать опытным глазом если поглядеть на топшит с изнанки.


Могу сказать одно, китайские резинки DHS Hurrricane не используют технологию Фишера. Они сделаны при помощи хитроумного метода "неполная полимеризация внешного молекулярного слоя". И это значит что оригинальная липучая потенция уйдет из резины безвозвратно по мере механического износа внешнего микрослоя на топшитах.
says Fair Play first
says Fair Play first
Well-Known Member
Jan 2012
The use of a racket covering specifically designed for a particular athlete is prohibited. "Specifically designed" means a covering material with a performance enhacement when compared with other equipment of the same brand.
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Dec 2010
Read 11 reviews
Липучая резина -- интересная наука.

Сегодня на китайских резиновых фабриках применяютца (3) три технологических метода для производства липучей теннисной резины.

Самый интересный для массового потребителя способ основан на разработках американского химика Хари Фишер, патент 1934 года. Чем нас привлекает этот способ?
Липкость на резинах Фишера практически не увядает со временем, и для рефреша достаточно обработать заигранную резину медицинским спиртом, и резина будет липкая опять.

К нашему сожалению, массовый технически несведущий потребитель не может знать какая именно химическая технология применялась на резинах, которую он купил в магазине. Например резину Фишера можно распознать опытным глазом если поглядеть на топшит с изнанки.


Могу сказать одно, китайские резинки DHS Hurrricane не используют технологию Фишера. Они сделаны при помощи хитроумного метода "неполная полимеризация внешного молекулярного слоя". И это значит что оригинальная липучая потенция уйдет из резины безвозвратно по мере механического износа внешнего микрослоя на топшитах.

The use of a racket covering specifically designed for a particular athlete is prohibited. "Specifically designed" means a covering material with a performance enhacement when compared with other equipment of the same brand.

Igor, are you sure you are posting in the correct thread. This thread is about the 40+ Poly Ball. Your posts are about sticky topsheets and boosters.

says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Dec 2010
Read 11 reviews

IDK... Then why all ITTF tournaments since 2017 are played with DHS balls? Lobby?

The ITTF has always used the balls of the sponsor who pays the most. They have been using DHS balls for a long time.

Go back and look at news from the 2016 Olympics and how many players were complaining that the balls were terrible. And yet they kept using the old DHS balls before DHS had ABS balls. Those balls would take wild, unpredictable bounces, they bounced very low, and they would break like eggs. There was one report where they had gathered some of the balls that broke in that day. It was A LOT. There were a few points in which the ball broke in the middle of a point. One where the ball split in half during a point. But, despite the complaints of many players, they kept using DHS balls. :)

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says Aged and infirm of purpose

Sorry to plough the same old furrow, but my own experience also says Nittaku Premium 40+ or DHS D40+ , with Sanwei acceptable when they are new but not much fun when they've been used a bit. The Nittaku goes shiny after a while, but you will get a good few games out of it before this starts to happen. The DHS ball is of course cheaper but seems very durable and I've never known anyone to complain about playing with one. I've rather gone off the Xushaofa seamless, even for practise, as I find them rather light compared with the Nittaku and the DHS.

There are plenty of people out there who believe playing Table Tennis should cost as near to nothing as possible, and consequenty are extremely reluctant to "retire" a ball unless it breaks - no matter how dirty or shiny it gets. In the lower divisions of my local league, two seasons ago when we were last allowed to play, it wasn't at all unusual to be presented with a used ball for a league match; if I was deputising for our captain I invariably put out a new ball at the start of the match, but I was one of the few !

