
  1. Butterfly Baggu Table Tennis Rucksack

    Hi All, I am trying to purchase Butterfly Baggu Table Tennis Rucksack, but unfortunately is is discontinued at TeeSports within the UK. I have noticed that some sites aboard are still selling them but they are not allowed to ship Butterfly equipment to UK. Does anyone know any supplier aboard...
  2. Looking for higher table tennis bands/sorrounders

    Anybody know where to buy or how to make table tennis bands/sorrounders higher about 90 cm for club use with not so much space in the hall ???
  3. 3 wheel Table tennis robots under or equal to $1000

    Hey guys. First post here. I just wanted to know if there is any table tennis robot that is 3 wheeled (i.e can produce balls of different spins in one sequence/drill. for e.g in one drill, the robot is able to throw an underspin ball, then a topspin ball and then a no spin ball and so on, all in...
  4. Vietnam Table Tennis (HandMade)

    One of many my handmade ZLC blade:)
  5. New Table Tennis Robot feeds like a human!

    Hey guys, Anyone seen these in action yet? They look awesome! <iframe src="" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no"...
  6. Ma Long on World Table Tennis (Interview)

    A new interview has just come with Ma Long being interviewed about World Table Tennis! <iframe src="" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden"...
  7. FS: Tennirobo table tennis robot

    Sold The item is sold
  8. Liu Guoliang chairman of World Table Tennis

    The ITTF have just announced Liu Guoliang as the chairman of ITTF's new product World Table Tennis. Full write up here. World Table Tennis states: WTT, is the commercial and events company of the ITTF, will be placing players and fans at the core of all its business to catapult table tennis...
  9. Best table tennis robot - Amicus prime or Power pong 5000

    These two are priced exactly the same in the US. Which is a better one? Anybody has any experience with these? Any known issues? I read that amicus app isn't that great (not sure if that has improved now). Which one would you recommend?
  10. Table Tennis Clothing Survey - Takes 2 mins to complete!!

    Hello all, I'm doing some research into player's thoughts and opinions on table tennis clothes and would love to gather as much input as possible. The survey only takes 2 mins to complete and can be accessed here...
  11. Three Table Tennis Books Out

    Three table tennis books have come out in the last few weeks. Here they are!!! Winning Table Tennis, by Dan Seemiller and Mark Holowchak Winning Table Tennis is back! This is a reprinting of the best-selling table tennis book from 1997. Whether you're a competitive tournament player or a...
  12. Taking On The World's Best Table Tennis Serves!

    Hey guys, so when filming the Par Gerell Masterclass, myself and Tom took on the World’s best server Par Gerell to see how many serves we could receive…. out of 10! Now I took on Par 4 years ago and only managed to receive 2 out of 10… so I hope after 4 years I’ve made some improvement… Here’s...
  13. Real time AI table tennis analytics

    Real time AI table tennis analytics. Looks interesting:
  14. What is the best looking table tennis shirt?

    So, what table tennis shirt do you guys think is the prettiest? I personally really like these shirts the Korean national team uses: What are your personal favorites? Reply a picture of them!
  15. Europeans Actually More Talented in Table Tennis

    Good Results Not Necessarily Mean Good Talent; Europeans Actually More Talented in Table Tennis May 01, 2005 11:21 Yangtze Evening Post   Without a doubt, China is widely recognized as the table tennis empire, and Chinese table tennis is strong enough to look down on...
  16. Looking for Suggestions for Improving Table Tennis Table Top.

    Hey guys, so I'm fortunate enough to have a Table Tennis Table at the GYM where I work. Since the COVID OUTBREAK, I've been using it more and more with my co-worker for training and match play during our lunch break. (Great player and friend btw who goes by the name Marco Makkar, he's a Silver...
  17. Styles Are Conforming, Is Table Tennis Getting Boring?

    I'm very passionate about this topic, and have spoken to top players like Korbel, Persson and Primorac about their thoughts on it. You can read my article here for more context: - Is Conformity of Styles Killing the Sport of Table Tennis Pimple players, penholders and choppers are rapidly...
  18. Testing Zoran Primorac's Table Tennis Bat!

    Hey guys, so a while back I traveled to Chartres table tennis club in France to meet up with Zoran Primorac to test his legendary blade the Primorac Carbon by Butterfly. Zoran is a European table tennis legend who has a highest world ranking of 2 and notably played in a record 7 Olympic Games...
  19. How does table tennis in non usa works?

    In US you play, you get rating you play events under a certain rating. If you are lucky and live in the bay there are some non sanction team tournaments but those are in a sub-par organized. From what I heard korean, japan, china, europe all have these leagues and divisions. Can anyone care to...
  20. Table Tennis vs. Ping Pong

    What is the primary difference between the two if there is one and do you get offended if you confuse the two?