Need more advices on how to further improve forehand stroke

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May 2011
glad it helps. Any kind of robot or multiball drill is improved by stepping into the shot
On that note, would you recommend stepping into the shot on quicker shots near the table? I recently started changing my FH technique to rotate more with my body, and that has allowed me to step into the shot better. However, when the ball comes back fast I find it a bit difficult sometimes to step back after the shot. Should I dial it back a bit so my right foot doesn't leave the ground, or should I just work on quicker recovery?
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Jul 2019
On that note, would you recommend stepping into the shot on quicker shots near the table? I recently started changing my FH technique to rotate more with my body, and that has allowed me to step into the shot better. However, when the ball comes back fast I find it a bit difficult sometimes to step back after the shot. Should I dial it back a bit so my right foot doesn't leave the ground, or should I just work on quicker recovery?
good question. maybe move into expresses better than step. I think it should reflect what's necessary for a real shot. Maybe you could do a vid to show what works and what doesn't.

On body rotation it helps to rotate (twist) on backswing but throw body forward on line of shot on execution.
Biggest mistake is overdoing rotation because that means recovery is delayed
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May 2011
good question. maybe move into expresses better than step. I think it should reflect what's necessary for a real shot. Maybe you could do a vid to show what works and what doesn't.

On body rotation it helps to rotate (twist) on backswing but throw body forward on line of shot on execution.
Biggest mistake is overdoing rotation because that means recovery is delayed
Yes, I think you're right on that. Because I'm just starting to train this technique I'm still trying to figure out what's the limit for my recovery for a given distance from the table. I wonder if it could also be compensated for by having a shorter backswing in the subsequent shot if I see the ball coming back fast? This way I could just use as much power as I can every time, rather than limiting the rotation due to consideration for the next shot?
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Jul 2019
Yes, I think you're right on that. Because I'm just starting to train this technique I'm still trying to figure out what's the limit for my recovery for a given distance from the table. I wonder if it could also be compensated for by having a shorter backswing in the subsequent shot if I see the ball coming back fast? This way I could just use as much power as I can every time, rather than limiting the rotation due to consideration for the next shot?
I think backswing should be related to maintaining the pace of the rally. I try to focus on swinging faster not bigger and always relaxed
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May 2011
never expected a reply anymore.

okay so this is about a week or so after Stella's advices
TT5 vid is with me still having tennis fh stroke muscle memory, knee straighten after follow through.
TT6 vis is with me keeping knees bent even after follow through as per other forum players' advices.
I do feel the shots on tt6 vid feel better and gave better results.
I think you can still improve the fluidity of your stroke. Right now you're moving your arm forward at the same time as your body, which can only happen if you're tensing up your arm at the beginning of your swing. Keep your arm as relaxed as possible, and start rotating your body first. Look at this video of FZD warming up for example, you see how at the beginning of each swing his arm/elbow lags behind his body a bit (helps if you play it at 0.25x speed)?

The Chinese style relaxes the arm completely whenever possible, which results in the arm being limp and straight at the beginning of the forward swing. You don't necessarily need to do that (it's also not possible to always do that, as I'm finding out, depending on the pace of the ball), you can keep your arm bent at the elbow if you want, but it should still be so relaxed as to barely holding up the weight of your forearm in a bent position. Same goes for the wrist, it should tighten last, just before contact. Timo Boll for example keeps his forearm in a bent position, but drags the wrist fairly prominently. This is the correct activation sequence, as you keep your muscles relaxed and activate them in order from your feet up to your wrist.

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Oct 2023
HI xiom
yr idea of technique is good, you are playing fh correctly on one line next step is play fh from 2 positions, then 3 positions thus incorporating sideways movement. Try this with about 18 inches between each shot. If your robot can't manage two different directions try this:
increase the time between robot feed by maybe half a sec and aim the feed into fh corner.You assume readiness at bh corner and start feed, then shuffle into position and execute and immediatetly recover to bh corner. adjust the timing until you get into a rhythm of landing with right knee behind the line of feed.
after you master this. aim the feed at bh corner and assume readiness at centre line. start feed and shuffle in the other direction, again getting right shoulder and knee into line.
A quick way of doing this without a robot is with 4 balls in left hand. assume readiness at centre and execute shuffle to fh and execute with good weight transfer then shuffle to bh and execute fh from there. repeat.

Of course if you can get a friend to give you some multiball so you can get used to moving sideways to the shot
that would be better
good luck
Drills like falkenberg etc I did with coach back then but he's injured for about 2months now.
So your suggestion with the robot is a good one.
And daym it is a good workout.
I'm starting with placing robot at their bh and pointing to my bh with me starting at center line, cos I know this needs prioritizing cos it's just my arm that moves to the left when ball isn't towards my body.
First time doing this and I see the hop sidestep to the left i messing up my bh's timing.
There are more balls about 5-10 out of 150? going to the net than when I'm steady and robot is pointed to my body which is almost 0.
I know it is already 2nd nature to you guys, but can you at least try to break down and slowmo how you do it hop sidestep to left then bh stroke? when do you do the bh stroke? as soon as your feet lands? or is there a split second recovery then bh stroke follows?

UPDATE : minding when I do bh stroke on this drill, it seems correct timing of doing bh stroke is after split second recovery landing after hop step. it's more stable.

UPDATE 2 : daym starting at bh side, slight off center not wide left, then going to fh stroke is harder compared to the bh drill. had to lower top spin setting, then feed interval to 3. still seems fast enough as I don't have much time to reset going back to bh position and have to strike the semi-wide fh almost immediately. will be testing feed intervals 2 or 1 next as with 3 I'm seeing it seem's it's just the arm moving, no hips/waist.

UPDATE 3 : lols can't even last 15 ball feeds with fh drill. with bh drill I can do 30-40 before I pause to catch my breath. Interval at 2 is too slow, I'm already way ahead at fh and waiting for the ball.

UPDATE 4: fh drills, 3 rounds 150 balls interval 3, top 6, back 1, ball dust on my fh rubber is all over the place. no consistent groupings. 4th round interval 3, slowed top to 5, back 1, ball dust grouped at lower left of fh showing my swing is way ahead as I was used to faster top 6. I slowed it cos I want to get the rhythm first and be able to do a proper stroke after moving and consistent hit groupings on center of rubber.
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