TableTennisDaily Academy - Take your game to the next level!

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Mar 2019
Hey guys how's it going,

It's Dan and Tom from the TableTennisDaily Academy. We have plenty of coaching videos and resources on the TableTennisDaily Academy, which is a coaching hub website designed to help you improve your game and reach the next level. Dan and Tom started the Academy a few years ago and it has already grown to be one of the world's largest coaching websites to help players learn and improve.

In this topic we will share coaching tips, new video clips, information and everything related to the Academy. For more information about the Academy head over to the site here.


If you want to improve your serves check out our Serving Masterclass with Par Gerell here.

Any questions you have for us about your game let us know, see you in the comments.
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says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
Well-Known Member
Sep 2011
Read 27 reviews
If you are an amateur TT player, and you really want to improve, and you are too Scrooge to pay for lessons... or you want to supplement and you are NOT signed up in the world's leading online coaching services like Dan's or Brett's... you are WRONG Mister.

Where else are you gunna get this level of attention to specific issues and personalized advice/analysis that will get you in the right direction?
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
Well-Known Member
Sep 2011
Read 27 reviews
I think it is utterly shameful that Dan's post about perhaps the single most thing that can improve 80-90% of the forum members' games here is practically ingnored and not discussed...

... all the while... the current Razka 7 thread, got 12 posts teh first day, which is very typical for TTD equipment thread.

C'Mon everyone, say something nice about Dan's thread even if you do not intend to sign up. At least SOME of you, let's not make this forum into an equipment fanboy only place.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2020
C'Mon everyone, say something nice about Dan's thread even if you do not intend to sign up. At least SOME of you, let's not make this forum into an equipment fanboy only place.

I liked Dan's live-commenting recently. Like little bit from the background, not so prominent... I know it takes two, to make one appear so and the other one so, both needed... It's just, I like that particular style... (I'm again off topic - my usual mistake).
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This user has been banned.
Dec 2020
C'Mon everyone, say something nice about Dan's thread even if you do not intend to sign up. At least SOME of you, let's not make this forum into an equipment fanboy only place.

There are many topics to talk about besides equipment or... how Dan is monetizing his business with his academy, youtube channel, commenting for WTT, etc... In my case I like to talk about some different views about the TT world: - the rules that constantly change - how it's possible to enforce these rules - does the ITTF really make any effort to enforce these rules - is the ITTF being directed now by China and Big Rubber companies ? (the P ball + color rubbers + speed glue and booster ban = boosting the Big Rubber's companies R&D department and increasing the prices ?) Because when a country like Chine or Russia is involved in pro sports, they always have political views in mind on how they could dominate the world: sport is... soft power. And sport generates huge amount of revenue of all kinds in many markets, that's what WTT is aiming at, therefore it generates... power, that's why China is now governing WTT. So Der, you see, there are actually many interesting points other than only training and equipment to talk about, right ? I'm not for the "politically correct" things only, as long as freedom of speech is equally balanced by respect. It's a forum after all, there are rules though I'm all ok for that point, we have to respect each others for sure ! but ... let's be free to talk about ANY thing.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2015
Read 8 reviews
I am not currently a member of the TTD academy, but I once was. I can say that you really do get personal feedback from the famous Dan and Tom when you share your videos with them! Imagine yourself playing in one of those TTD episodes with Tom / Dan giving you advice! What more would you want right!!

I would join again as they are so helpful, but only that I had an injury with my knee since last year and I am still recovering from it with gradual exercise and physio, so I don't have much practice opportunities and cant afford to play games to avoid further damaging my knee.
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This user has no status.
Mar 2019
I am not currently a member of the TTD academy, but I once was. I can say that you really do get personal feedback from the famous Dan and Tom when you share your videos with them! Imagine yourself playing in one of those TTD episodes with Tom / Dan giving you advice! What more would you want right!!

I would join again as they are so helpful, but only that I had an injury with my knee since last year and I am still recovering from it with gradual exercise and physio, so I don't have much practice opportunities and cant afford to play games to avoid further damaging my knee.

Sorry about the injury, but thanks for the kind world's about the Academy, we really want to help players improve and get our knowledge of the sport across to as many people as possible!

