How to reglue a recently glued and boosted H3N on a new Blade

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Oct 2022
Hi latej,

I waz gunna chime in and recommend Gorilla Glue for its legendary adhesive capabilities, but it isn't sold everywhere in the world and not everyone would get it...
dont laugh but about a month after i started at the club, my rubber was falling off my paddle a bit and i somehow thought it would be a good idea to super glue that sucker down. Brilliant i know. good thing that was a cheapo paddle that i bought from JZ so it didn't matter too much in the long run. lol.
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says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
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Sep 2011
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dont laugh but about a month after i started at the club, my rubber was falling off my paddle a bit and i somehow thought it would be a good idea to super glue that sucker down. Brilliant i know. good thing that was a cheapo paddle that i bought from JZ so it didn't matter too much in the long run. lol.
Well J-Slick, then to get that sucka off ur bat, you may need to "warm" the rubber a bit with an oxygen/acetylene torch a few minutes to soften that glue job...
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2023
Well J-Slick, then to get that sucka off ur bat, you may need to "warm" the rubber a bit with an oxygen/acetylene torch a few minutes to soften that glue job...
Lol, if it is ZJK Super ZLC, I would not do that. If it were some cheap Chinese blades (Yinhe, Stuor, etc.), that will be a great idea!!! :) :)
says Table tennis clown
says Table tennis clown
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Apr 2020
dont laugh but about a month after i started at the club, my rubber was falling off my paddle a bit and i somehow thought it would be a good idea to super glue that sucker down. Brilliant i know. good thing that was a cheapo paddle that i bought from JZ so it didn't matter too much in the long run. lol.

Well J-Slick, then to get that sucka off ur bat, you may need to "warm" the rubber a bit with an oxygen/acetylene torch a few minutes to soften that glue job...
You really are a : Table Tennis Trouble Maker 🤣 next you are going to suggest to smear the whole racket liberally with speedglue and THEN apply the torch to it.
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Feb 2023
Hi all, I prepared new blade last Thursday and played it on Friday and today. The black rubber is DHS H3 Bs Prov after 2 layer of Seamoon booster. I noticed at today’s training session that it started peeling off at the edges.
I will remove rubber from the blade and I guess that I should remove the glue, too.
Should I add one layer of booster or it is fresh so far and should add just the glue and stick with blade?
Let me know as this is my first time with the boosted rubbers taking into account that it was done couple days ago. It looks as follow so need to be re-glue 🙁 I think
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Nov 2019
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It depends... if this is the only part of the rubber coming off I might just reglue this part with WBG or rubber cement. Either Fixogum or the good, old bicycle tire vulcanization fluid (Rema TipTop aka first speed glue).
If regluing completely: If the rubber is still doming I'm using no additional booster.
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Feb 2023
Hi all, strange thing. I’ve never seen it before. I peel off the the rubber from the blade and found out that glue on the blade sink completely to the sponge, there wasn’t any single spot with glue on the blade🤔
Glue was/is DHS #15 I’m wondering if to use btf free check on the blade which seems to be stronger.
Rubber is flat so I will remove the glue, put the one layer of #15 and add one layer of booster, wait 24hrs, then glue on the rubber and on the blade and stick together.
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Jan 2023
Hi all, I prepared new blade last Thursday and played it on Friday and today. The black rubber is DHS H3 Bs Prov after 2 layer of Seamoon booster. I noticed at today’s training session that it started peeling off at the edges.
I will remove rubber from the blade and I guess that I should remove the glue, too.
Should I add one layer of booster or it is fresh so far and should add just the glue and stick with blade?
Let me know as this is my first time with the boosted rubbers taking into account that it was done couple days ago. It looks as follow so need to be re-glue 🙁 I think
View attachment 27650
tbh you don't need to reboost since the booster should last for about 2 weeks, I've experienced this peeling/slight curve on the boosted rubber edge and I usually reglue and make sure to put more force when rolling the rubber
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Feb 2023
to me the most interesting is the case that glue disappeared from the blade (to be more precise layer from the blade penetrated and combined with the layer on the rubber to form a whole) as I mentioned there wasn't any single glue spot on the blade as if the surface had been varnished and the glue had not penetrated..... hmmmm
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Jan 2023
there wasn't any single glue spot on the blade as if the surface had been varnished and the glue had not penetrated..... hmmmm
that means either good quality glue or good quality blade lol, I use cheaper glue and blade so there's always slight splintering of the top ply and small glue particle get stuck in the cracks left behind
to me the most interesting is the case that glue disappeared from the blade (to be more precise layer from the blade penetrated and combined with the layer on the rubber to form a whole) as I mentioned there wasn't any single glue spot on the blade as if the surface had been varnished and the glue had not penetrated..... hmmmm
Be happy with your experinces. I mainly have the same. The completely clean blade depends on the outer veneer and a possible sealing.