Is D09c bad for brush-looping?

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Jan 2023
ive had similar feelings with 09c, pretty unique rubber so just needs more time and commitment to get a good hold of imo. i plan to go back to it someday but rakza z is easier for me to control overall. struggled to play in between type balls with 09c in matches (both responding to and making my own), it was a little bit all or nothing
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Aug 2018
maybe you are just used to very high throw rubbers.
When I changed my blade from all wood to carbon, the low combined throw angle of the blade and of D09c forced me to change to high throw rubber.
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Sep 2022
ok, maybe. I need to practice more with D09c to find the correct technique. I personally feel like I am brushing the ball too much and that is somehow incompatible.

The rubber seems to do better when I hit through the ball more.
That's because you are activating the sponge more (when hitting through it) so yes, you are right, there is a different technique that is better suited to Chinese style rubbers and European style (now hybrid) rubbers. My feeling is it's the lack of tack and lack of 'cheap' or easy spin that demands the sponge engagement. It might not be just this but clearly if you want to persist with D09c then you gotta alter your technique and approach with absolutely everything you use the rubber for, touch play, defence, blocks, serves...
Given the cost of it (a complete waste of money in my book) why do you want to change to it?
I've been told by coaches hundreds of times, at the amateur level, it's NEVER the gear that's the issue but always the technique.
Given your knowledge of the Chinese rubbers and all the reviews etc, is there not a rubber that already gives you what you need?
But the question in the title of this thread, 'is D09c bad for brush looping?', I think you already know the answer to that 😉

Be interested in an update to see how you find it now 👍
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